Emily Howard, ND, BSc

FAQs with evidence-based answers.

An needle for medical injections

A Discussion on the Naturopathic Expanded Scope of Practice

A person applying sunscreen

Decoding Sunscreen: From the Drug Store to the Beach

A picture of facial acupuncture.

What is Aesthetic Facial Acupuncture?

A picture of a floor scale.

How important is weight loss in the treatment & prevention of cardiovascular disease?

A picture of a class of detox juice.

Do annual cleanses & detox regimens work?

A picture of running in the rain.

Can exercise ‘boost’ your immune system?

A picture of supplements in a hand.

Can supplements interfere with diagnostic testing?

A picture of a frozen lake.

What does the process of egg & embryo freezing look like?

A picture of a cat in bed.

Is sleep hygiene an effective treatment for insomnia?

A picture of a glass of water.

Do you really need to drink 8 glasses of water per day?

A picture of a stethoscope next to a computer.

Finally a licensed ND.

A picture of Emily Howard in medical scrubs

About the author

Emily is a Toronto-based Naturopathic Doctor licensed with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario. She has an interest in simplifying the complex messaging around health & wellness, and in providing evidence-based, patient-centred care. She strives to collaborate with her patients, providing the information needed to choose the best path forward, be that through conventional or integrative therapies.


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